Molon Labe (Come and Get Them) - Signature Coffee Blend
Molon Labe (Come and Get Them) - Signature Coffee Blend
Single Origin: Guatemala, Sumatra, Costa Rica
Varietal: Catimor, Caturra, Typica
Process: Wet Hulled/Washed
Altitude: 2,000-3,500 masl
Roast Level: Medium
Notes: Dark Chocolate, Exotic Fruit, Honey, Cocao
Coffee with Attitude!
A perfectly balanced signature special blend with uncompromised flavors and aroma ready to be captured in your cup. It is sourced from 100% Arabica beans. The finest beans in the world have been carefully hand-selected, hand processed, and meticulously roasted to bring out their natural strength and flavor, ensuring that every sip is packed with taste and character. Its bold flavor is balanced out with a smooth finish, and lower acidity making it a delicious choice for coffee lovers everywhere. Notes of cocoa, dark chocolate, exotic fruit and a touch of honey. A medium roast with low acidity and medium body.
Energize your Skill and Attitude Today!
Always Freshly Roasted – never bitter
“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do” Plutarch